
hidden emotions
HIDDEN EMOTIONS (THE SHORT MOVIE) Running time: 27mins25secs Plot An Emotional story of Love, Pain, Betrayal, Survival, and Unending Life Adaptation is culminating in Mental Health. The opening scene unveils a woman in her mid-40s, who appears to be the main character in the movie, a narrator and a victim of a broken hope of...
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mental health
Illnesses result from the common triggers in our daily activities, which are harmful to our well-being and our body systems (which include the brain, body systems, and internal organs. It can be caused by many factors, including malnutrition, drug abuse, lack of rest, and poor hygiene. However, it is rather unfortunate that several illnesses have...
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The Africanad initiative started in Winnipeg, in the spring of 2019 with Ayodele Odeyemi’s passion for identifying, celebrating, motivating and projecting achievers of African-Caribbean heritage in Canada. Readmore