A Historic Milestone: Manitoba Elects First Anishinaabe Premier, Wab Kinew

October 3rd, 2023, marked a momentous day in the history of Manitoba as the province achieved a remarkable milestone by electing its first-ever Anishinaabe premier, Wab Kinew. This historic event is not only a significant achievement for Manitoba but also a resounding triumph for Indigenous representation in Canadian politics.

Wab Kinew’s election as Premier of Manitoba signals a turning point in the province’s political landscape, and it is a testament to the changing dynamics of Canadian politics, where diversity and inclusivity are gaining increasing prominence. This momentous occasion is a reflection of Manitoba’s commitment to recognizing the importance of Indigenous voices in positions of leadership.

Wab Kinew’s journey to premiership is nothing short of remarkable. Born in the Anishinaabe Nation and a member of the Ojibwa community, Kinew’s life story is a powerful testament to the resilience and potential of Indigenous people in Canada. His political career began with his election as a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) for Fort Rouge in 2016, representing the New Democratic Party (NDP). From there, he steadily rose through the ranks, eventually becoming the leader of the Manitoba NDP in 2017.


Kinew’s leadership style has been marked by his commitment to social justice, environmental stewardship, and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. Throughout his political career, he has consistently advocated for Indigenous rights and has been a vocal supporter of truth and reconciliation initiatives. His election as Premier is a clear indication that Manitobans are ready to embrace a more inclusive and diverse political landscape.

The significance of this historic election goes far beyond Manitoba’s borders. It serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for Indigenous communities across Canada and around the world. For too long, Indigenous voices have been underrepresented in positions of power, and this election serves as a reminder of the progress that can be achieved when communities come together to support leaders who champion their causes.

The road to this historic moment has been paved with numerous challenges and obstacles. It is a testament to Wab Kinew’s determination and unwavering commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable society. His election brings with it the promise of positive change, not only for Indigenous communities but for all Manitobans.

One of the key areas where Kinew’s leadership is expected to make a significant impact is in addressing the socio-economic disparities faced by Indigenous peoples in Manitoba. As Premier, Kinew is well-positioned to implement policies and initiatives aimed at improving education, healthcare, housing, and economic opportunities for Indigenous communities. This election is not just symbolic; it is an opportunity to effect real change that will improve the lives of countless Manitobans.

Furthermore, Wab Kinew’s election as Premier underscores the importance of fostering reconciliation and fostering strong relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities. It represents a step forward in healing the historical wounds that have long plagued the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.

The celebration of Wab Kinew’s election as Premier of Manitoba should not be limited to a single day. It is a reminder that progress is possible when a community comes together to support a common vision. Manitobans, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, have shown the world that they value diversity, inclusivity, and the power of representation in government.

As the first Anishinaabe Premier of Manitoba, Wab Kinew’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of inclusivity in modern politics. It is an inspiration for Indigenous youth and a promise that, with hard work and dedication, they too can break down barriers and achieve their dreams. It is a day that will be remembered as a pivotal moment in the history of Manitoba, where the past and future intersect to create a brighter, more inclusive, and diverse tomorrow.

Photo Disclaimer:

The images used in this article have been sourced from various trusted sources, including the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and several other reliable, though unidentified, contributors. We extend our gratitude to CBC for their contribution and apologize for not being able to credit all unnamed sources. These images have been utilized for illustrative purposes in the spirit of informative journalism. We respect and appreciate the work of these photographers and sources, even if their names remain undisclosed.